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Lubrication-free anchor escapement

The objective of the Ar-Dehumidifying Technology is to prevent the oil from ageing. The idea behind the DIAPAL Technology goes one step further. In this case, we select special pairs of materials that work together without lubrication (!) and without causing friction, ensuring long-term accuracy of the movement and particularly of the Swiss anchor escapement.

For improved lubrication quality

To counteract the ageing processes of the oil in the watch, the movement is maintained in a dry environment filled with protective gas using our Ar-Dehumidifying Technology. The technicians, engineers and physicists at SINN are currently focusing on an even more efficient solution to this problem. Their idea: if oil isn’t used, there won’t be any difficulties with ageing oil. The approach based on this idea focuses on the Swiss anchor escapement. The reason for this is the special role this part of the movement plays with regard to the ageing of the oil. Empirically, the anchor escapement is the most sensitive component of the movement with regard to accuracy, i.e. the quality of the lubrication at this point has the largest impact on the accuracy of the entire movement.

A comparison of the Swiss escapements: unoiled, it functions for a maximum of three months. Standard lubrication leads to a significant decrease in amplitude after three to five years. During this period, the escapement with DIAPAL Technology continues to function perfectly.

In the beginning was the diamond: today we celebrate the triumphs of nanotechnology

SINN began its research on the DIAPAL Technology in 1995 with the idea of using diamond pallets to replace ruby ones. For conventional escapements, oil is required only to reduce friction between the ruby (pallet stone) and the steel (escape wheel). In the Swiss anchor escapement, a polished diamond surface proved to be a better friction partner than the ruby traditionally used for this purpose. Lubrication is no longer required for lasting accuracy and function. However, this combination still failed to produce acceptable oscillation amplitudes without lubrication.

Thus, in 1995 SINN began testing numerous other material combinations for use in watch technology, and applied for the first patents in 2000. SINN has retained the name DIAPAL for all developments that follow on from the original diamond pallets, i.e. for all material combinations that prove suitable for helping a train wheel – especially with Swiss anchor escapement – to function smoothly over time without lubrication. Ultimately, the first nanotechnology solution to reach series production was the 756 DIAPAL.