

  • EZM 1.1

    The mission timer made by professionals for professionals

    EZM 1.1
  • EZM 1.1
  • EZM 1.1
  • EZM 1.1
  • EZM 1.1
  • EZM 1.1


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EZM 1.1

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Prix incl. TVA plus frais d'envoi

La livraison de montres neuves est gratuite en Allemagne, nous facturons 80,00 EUR de livraison dans les pays membres de l’Union Européenne (UE) et 120,00 EUR pour la livraison dans tout autre pays. Pour les bracelets et accessoires, nous facturons 6,50 EUR en Allemagne, 30,00 EUR dans les pays membres de l’Union Européenne et 50,00 EUR pour la livraison dans tout autre pays.

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EZM 1.1

In 1997, we introduced our first mission timer to the public – a chronograph that was virtually unbeatable in terms of functionality and clarity: the EZM 1. Made of titanium, the EZM 1 marked the ongoing development of a long range of mission timers for professional users. The first users we cooperated with were officials from what was then the newly established German Central Customs Support Group, ZUZ (Zentrale Unterstützungsgruppe Zoll), a special unit assigned to the German Customs Investigation Bureau – much like a special police commando unit. Since accurate time measurement is essential for such units when carrying out what can sometimes be extremely tricky operations, the officials opted for a highly robust chronograph with instrument-like precision. The number one requirement was the need for outstanding readability at a glance – a prerequisite in time-critical situations – and even under the most adverse conditions. The EZM 1 was thus the result of a direct collaboration between users and our engineers and master watchmakers. To mark the 20th anniversary of this mission timer, we are presenting the 500-piece limited-edition EZM 1.1 and thus continuing the tradition of the EZM 1.

Model for the SZ01: the Lemania 5100

One special feature of the chronograph is the crown and push-piece on the left side of the case to prevent pressure on the back of the hand and keep the watch from getting caught, even in time-critical situations. The SZ01 chronograph movement developed in house and used in the EZM 1.1 is based on the tried-and-tested Valjoux 7750 and designed in such a way that the watch has a centre-mounted, jump 60-minute stop hand. This makes it even easier and quicker to record stop times more accurately. The new design is modelled on the clear and precise readability of the renowned Lemania 5100 movement, which is no longer available. In terms of readability, the SZ01 offers two advantages: 60 minutes – rather than the usual 30 minutes – are counted in one sweep of the hand and the minute stop scale covers the entire diameter of the dial. In addition to the chronograph function, the pilot’s bezel can be rotated on both sides and used to record cumulative time. The captive countdown bezel features minute ratcheting. To further aid readability and recording of the time, all markings on the dial not relevant to the mission are muted in red.

Technical enhancements

Professional users must be able to rely on their equipment even in the toughest conditions – and the same applies to their watch. The EZM 1.1 therefore features a range of technologies. For example, Temperature Resistance Technology ensures reliable function at a temperature range of –45°C to +80°C while Ar-Dehumidifying Technology ensures greater functional reliability and freedom from fogging. The case itself is made of bead-blasted stainless steel, giving it a matt silk finish which prevents distracting reflections. The surface of the case has also been hardened using TEGIMENT Technology, making it especially scratch-resistant.

The mission timer celebrates 20 years

Wristwatches are also an important piece of equipment for other professionals. In addition to the aforementioned ZUZ, these include pilots, divers, firefighters, emergency doctors, rescue workers, special units of the German police force such as the GSG 9 and

Germany’s commando frogman force KSM (Kommando Spezialkräfte der Marine). It is for these professional users, who are very often deployed to protect their fellow citizens, that we have been developing mission timers for the past 20 years. From the EZM 1 to the EZM 16, all watches are strictly designed to meet the demands of a defined mission.

Form follows function

The principle on which our mission timers are based – form follows function – originates from architecture, but has also gradually been applied to product design in general. According to this principle, the design should be based exclusively on its intended function or purpose and incorporate new materials and technologies. In this respect, our company has gradually become a technology and case expert, manufacturing and fitting our mission timers with the best possible materials and components. To achieve this, it is often worth indulging in a little lateral thinking to see what is going on in other industrial sectors and fields of science. Only then can basic innovations be adapted for our watches, too.

Widely varying operational conditions

The use of modern technologies and materials is thereby not an end in itself, but rather a result of widely varying operational conditions. Each mission timer has been developed for a specific user group with highly individual requirements when it comes to their watch. Our mission timers must be able to withstand the most varying, challenging and complex external conditions, including wetness, magnetism, extreme heat and cold, major changes in temperature, vibrations, impact and knocks as well as aggressive liquids such as salt water or disinfectant. And often enough, everything at once. Basically, these watches have to withstand a great deal – especially when the going gets tough.

Optimum readability and rapid time-recording

Key to ensuring such functionality when developing these timepieces is our cooperation with experts in the respective fields, i.e. those actually using and relying on the high performance of the timepieces out in the field. Quite often these experts are faced with critical situations, where minutes and seconds become a matter of life and death – both their own and other people’s. It is these users and even more so the respective conditions in which they operate that define and determine form and functionality. Many questions arise in the beginning: How can we better protect the watches? What will be required of the watch in extreme situations? What must it be able to withstand? Which functions are particularly important for this particular mission? Consequently, no two mission timers are the same – especially given the fact that each mission timer is equipped with functions relevant to the demands of its specific mission. Identical construction and design features are apparent, however. One general principle applies to them all: focus on the key essentials in terms of outstanding readability and rapid time-recording.

  • Limité à 500 exemplaires
  • SINN Movement SZ01
  • Boîte en acier inoxydable, microbillé
  • Boîte traitée TEGIMENT pour une résistance extrême aux éraflures
  • Minute centrale avec graduation 60 minutes
  • Technique de Déshumidification Ar ? résistance à la condensation et fiabilité
  • Plage de température de service de –45°C à +80°C
  • Verre saphir
  • Crown on the left side of the case to prevent pressure on the back of the hand
  • Lunette tournante captive avec minuterie
  • Conception EZM pour une meilleure lisibilité
  • Étanchéité jusqu’à 20 bars
  • Résistance aux basses pressions

EZM 1.1 Configurer

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Sinn Spezialuhren

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Déclaration de garantie

En complément de la garantie de qualité prévue par la loi, nous – Sinn Spezialuhren GmbH, Wilhelm-Fay-Straße 21, D-65936 Frankfurt am Main, Allemagne – assurons une garantie de durabilité pour les prestations fournies, notamment pour notre prestation de service consistant en la réparation de la montre EZM 1.1. La garantie accordée sur les prestations de service après-vente concerne uniquement sur les interventions effectuées et les pièces remplacées

La durée de la garantie est de 3 ans.

Le délai pour le calcul de la durée de la garantie commence à courir à partir de la date de la facture.

Notre garantie est applicable dans le monde entier.

En cas de recours à la garantie, nous réparerons votre montre sans frais supplémentaires.

Tout droit à garantie est exclu en cas de dommages causés par :

  • une utilisation non conforme à l‘usage prévu
  • des réparations ou des tentatives de réparation qui n‘ont pas été effectuées par nos soins ou nos partenaires autorisés. Vous trouverez une liste de nos partenaires autorisés sous le menu Revendeur de notre site web
  • des phénomènes d‘usure naturelle, particulièrement sur les bracelets
  • tout usage de force (coups, chocs, impact)

Est également exclue la perte de l'étanchéité de votre montre étanche après l'expiration d'un délai de 24 mois à compter de la date d'achat.

Après avoir eu connaissance d‘un éventuel recours en garantie, informez-nous – Sinn Spezialuhren GmbH par téléphone +49 (0)69 / 97 84 14-400 ou par mail – dans les meilleurs délais afin que tout dommage consécutif puisse être prévenu. Pour appliquer la garantie, nous avons besoin de la montre ainsi que du justificatif de réparation (facture) avec une description détaillée des dommages.

En cas de recours en garantie, nous prenons en charge les frais d‘envoi et de renvoi et assumons le risque de transport, à condition que le transport soit effectué par l‘entreprise de transport que nous avons indiquée et que la montre ait été emballée de manière sûre. À ce sujet, veuillez nous contacter par téléphone au +49 (0)69 / 97 84 14-400 ou par mail à Dans le cas contraire, vous supportez, en tant que client, les frais d‘envoi ainsi que le risque du transport.

Les frais de douane, les taxes d‘importation et autres frais occasionnés par le renvoi de la montre dans le pays de destination sont à la charge du destinataire.

Nous vous accordons cette garantie en plus de vos droits légaux existants en cas de défauts. Ceux-ci ne sont pas limités par la garantie et leur recours se fait à titre gratuit.

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