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Damascus steel

  • Damascus- steel

    Damascus- steel

Damascus Steel

A composite material made from two different types of steel. The unique characteristic of this material becomes visible after surface etching, revealing an organic pattern of alternating lighter and darker stripes.
The individual steel layers are forge-welded to form a solid bond. Traditionally, hard/brittle and softer/elastic steels were alternately combined to merge the advantages of fracture resistance and edge retention. After welding, forging, and hardening, the typical Damascus pattern is revealed in the final step through surface etching. This process works because the two types of steel react differently in an acid bath. The layers between the more resistant steel erode faster, become roughened, and take on a darker gray tone, creating the characteristic Damascus grain.

For our DAMASZENER models, we use a composite of stainless steels whose corrosion resistance is on par with the high-quality case steels we typically use. To protect the Damascus pattern from wear caused by daily use, the workpieces are subjected to our proven Tegiment technology, which significantly reduces surface wear.

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